Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Lord of the 'B.O.I.N.G.'

Boing... boing... boing...

Familiar sound when you see a bouncing ball in cartoon, or even bouncing cats. So what is "Lord of the 'B.O.I.N.G.' " anyway? This is a name of the new movie (directed by me) in which the story tells of people who likes to play by the flow.. like a sail boat without its navigator. Where the wind blows, there it will goes. So let me introduce you to the characters for the Best Movie of The Year.

The Fellowship of the B.O.I.N.G.

Elven - Hoh 'da b*tch' Dog. Light in weight and likes to shoot people from far. Feared short distance fight.

Dwarf - Ai Chai Who? Follows the big group when go to war. Who's your daddy!! tell me who's your daddy!

Human#1 - EC 'The King of the world international'. This the hero of the movie. No him no funny.

Human#2 - tbd. still undecided to cast male or female.

Hobbits#1 - Welling d'Sim 'Snake of the thing'. Holder of the ring. All phone complaints will come to him..

Hobbits#2 - D'only gal hobbits in the movie. tbd

Wizard - LauChik Meh, Tiu.

Big Bad Guy (sorta like Saruman in LOTR) - AWong a/k Mat Salih. The big baddie around. Love to scare people with his over-whelming power of vvp.

Storyline - Match this to my current company layout and you will get the never ending story.

Yours Truly,


wellsim said...

Hmnnn .. sound so interesting. Just wonder, when is the movie going to be show?

Pretty sure that this movie going to be the best top 10 hollywood movie.

May be we should check with "CEN" Umbrella Corporation for the latest update.

Union Café® - Penang said...

Wanna ask just now. What is CEN ah? no understand ... explain please.