Saturday, April 29, 2006

How You Looked when you overworked...


Exactly how you will look like when you are bored with my work here. Nearly bored to death and you can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Come back to work after a day off and found out I have (2) TWO timetable to follow!! So which one should I follow ler??? Should I come and work which ever time I want? Since I was assigned nearly 16 hrs for the day to work.. I have to right to choose right?

I dunno... Need to ask boss first and see woo... So now, Just let it be, let it be...


Catz said...

hahhahaa.a.. i didnt know i look like tat too! wakkkakaaa.
anyways, same old Hell story. i tot things got better???

Anonymous said...

u'll sure will look like the end of the day....