Saturday, April 22, 2006

Meet the crazy gang

Appointed to meet at 'Ah Bang' at 8.30PM but just went there about 9.45PM. Well what can I say? You got a gal in da house who make-up about 1 hrs.

Reach there about nearly 10 already, still the Gang still there. This gang just know for less than a year. But seems like we know each other for years ade. What to do? Same channel... Easy going enough to mix w/ anyone crazy.

Well, it had been months since we come out together like this. Even in 'Ah Bang' it is enjoyable enough for everyone to perli here and perli there. hehehe.. Still got people scare us perli.

Everyone still miss the fatgal in UK. Yes, That's U Catz. When u coming back laa?? Always delay one. Just FYI, your best friend "who complains about u going out w/ other team L2" is best friend w/ another best friend of yours who said "TS work is Robot Work". Hahaha... Hope you understand what I mean.

Well today attendee is good! Jen, Joe 'thebig' Jing, Tun datuk sri, Shitman Yong, ValentinesDay, Nickishiba, Kenshinakimoto, me, TingTing, Hoey 'TheBlurSotong' Ling and of cos, my gf is there.

Talk bout lotsa thing, lazy to describe one by one here. Must be thousand things that we said. Strangely, no shit from Shitman. But he is going Bangkok, must get souvenirs from him.

Well till here first. Already past midnite, sleepyyzzzzz.....


Catz said...

wat have u buggers been calling me behind my back now ar?? it's good to know tat u ppl can arrange a meet up without needing me to do tat for U.. i miss u all so much... i miss 'Ah Bang' :'(
well.. i get wat ya mean lor.. forget tat robot guy and tat stuck up ass licker lah.. they both belong to each other! let them have their lovy dovy time together then kill each other.
as for Shitman, he doesn't shit tat much anymore now, coz shitman have to impress VDay... hahahahaa get the latest gossip from wakkaaka.. i dono e updates, so i'm hoping to get an update fr u.
i'm missing u all so much, i could imagine u ppl hanging out in Abang having so much fun... me singing lonely.. i'm so lonely..i've got nobody to go to mamak stall... :'( sob sob

tonmj said...

*laughing out loud*

Catz said...

apala.. shitman really talk shit~! in blog also shit everywhere! kanasaaiii. u think i shitty like u meh?? i'm coming back VERY SOON! yipEEEE! i'm coming back in 2 and a half weeks time!!!!!!