Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I din get L2 :(

Anyway, it's the experience that counts right? OLD News ... know that past 2-3 weeks already.

Mache.. so what else new eh... lemme think, well, still lost my soul to the devil. No mood to work still. Been on/off got mood to better do my job. Feels like lady 'lai ang'.

One thing that pissed me off recently was my 'lao pan' tell me need to take care of the call volume. Eh i tot customer eh poll more important.

Ma Cao CB.

Anyway, kinna jit receive voucher from mah boss eh boss. Can go shopping liao lo.. but galgal took lioa. No more with me. :(

And I bought a goggle and a wifi card for mahself last Monday... Now can blog at home again and learning how to breath underwater (? can people do that?)... hehe...

Download lots of funny clips from gmail and yahoo... almost pecah the mailbox, 5 months no check. Hotmail lee.. normal laa.. disable already cos 3 months tak login.

Finish play Suikoden Tactics, not bad laa.. OK lo for RPG games.

Well till here first laa.. dunno what else to say, let me think up of a story then i blog again...

C ya all soon.

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