Tuesday, May 02, 2006



What's else is new? I HATE MY JOB~~!!

Need a reason..?
1) every now and again (not sometimes, is most of the time) they screwed the time table and blame me for not following it.

2) I am a rebel. notices the singularity in 'a rebel'. Apparently I do not work in this job and apparently I had "ABANDON MY TEAM MATE.."

3) I am a team of my own. You think people help you in your work? Dream on

4) Most of the time people expect other people will do what every other people do is correct... I dun understand this either. Go ask my boss.

5) Fakked up timetable still ...

6) Fakked up management people ... not all, but most of them are!

Will add more once I had the luxury to add more...


Alvino said...

I understand your frustration with your job, however please read the poem below, specially dedicated to you and other frenz who hate their jobs. Hope this will be a light, a guide, to u, to keep on working.

I Hate My Farkin Job
Jobs always sux,
Cannot be compared to sex,
But if no job = no pay,
If no pay u become gay,
So in the end we still need a job,
If not you'll be giving blowjobs.

The End.
How? Does this motivate you?

Catz said...

either wan also die...

步驚云 said...

can't be like that 1..... a lot of ppl also don't have a job ah!!!!
You must thanks for God, hopefully i got a job!!! hahahahaha......

COWL 部落格 said...

Agreed. becareful, you never know what hits you.

Union Café® - Penang said...

Oh... How are you? Long time no see liao.. How's life lately? Free time call me up to 'chan'.

Me not happy here ade laa.. mgnt getting worse.

COWL 部落格 said...

Eh...you Steve right ? changed display name to "-KCB-"?


Ya, long time didn't see liao, for me not a good start, damn dissapointed...(initially), everything overs now, I'm back in form, learned and see alot of thing.

I'm still take some rest currently, not working yet. Ya, I heard after the "Ang Mo" take over as TL more worse ?

Sorry I was not there already, can't help you get info or do some influence for you like last time...

Frankly alot of immatured ppl among there, or may say "kaki bodek" or "HANTU" who only know how to do something "HIDDEN" a few famous one you know la (speak Cantonese one). Kind of FedUp sometime.

Other than resign, I think the best way for you now is internal transfer as I see many position offer now, even your former lady manager now also transfer lah right ?

Or you want to learn YOGA ? Seriously, It help to relax your heart and mind so not so "Pek Chek", good for health also, I still got some ticket (FOC) in case you interested, abit far, is at Tg.Tokong, is up to you lah. Let me know loh.

Cheers Up!

Catz said...
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Anonymous said...

ah...why suddently changed tittle de? it's suppost to be unsatisfactionwithin the job.. but nvm lah.. as long as u happy lol..

Anonymous said...

ahhh why do i think i do know u christ?..ermmm