Friday, August 25, 2006

How to lose a friend w/ 1 Blog and 3 SMS?

Yup, you heard (read) right. One blog-post from me and 3 sms later, it’s over. Nobody asks me why I tulan… Nobody ask if it is a misunderstanding. Nobody fucked about this friendship at all.. I do give a damn on this but for me .. It’s just sad and disappointing.

Well that pukima end it anyway. So listen, It’s you who given up on me. I had never given up on you yet. 3 or more years of friend-shitz and it was ‘kai kuat’ after 3 sms. Keat. So fragile the friend-shitz is.

It’s a shame this had to happen. Maybe I don’t understand the-muthafucker, or maybe the-muthafucker dun understand me? Well, I am with my gf for 5 or more years and I dun understand her. I friend w/ my college-mate for 7++ years, I dun understand them. Heck, I dun even understand my mom and dad!

My point is, nobody are gonna understand nobody 100%. I am the same fouled-mouth guy you had always known for years. Maybe when I blog it out in the net yesterday it sound more threatening as it was publish for all to see and it can be google-d in WWW.

Well, I am what I am, in blog or real life be prepare to be lash by a fouled-mouth me.

That’s beside the point. For a particular pukima to read, The blog yesterday had nothing to do w/ the incidents that happens 6 months back. U said you had not treat me like you reporting subordinate, ok … not all the time. The post yesterday makes me feels that way.

I trust you in what you did but in handling situation like this, I am handed a death sentence before the trial. Life always suck, nothing is fair in this world. So farewell my friend while I am…

Hanged without Trial -KCB-


Catz said...

i'm truly sorry...i dono wat else to say but i'm sorry.. but this prb seems similar to someone else... your intensions are always well for ur friends.. u always think of them as priority in u. but always remember some ppl can't change unless they themselves want to. they cant realize things until they really want to. but i like to say this more important thing
DOnt Understand DOn wan ASk
Ask Liao dOn wan Do
Do liao Do wrongly! apalahhhh

anyway.. just FYI to U and Him, i'm not taking sides in this case.. both have both mistakes.. i'm sure i have mine as well..all i can say is.. IS IT WORTH IT? at the end the thing here is we all wanna help each other understand each other more... FRIENDSHIP.. wat does it mean?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...bad ending... really unexpected... real sorry to hear this.

What happened annyway??? Things sounded really fucked up.... big time...

(¯`·._.·[ Ťhĕ ЯёÐ Ðяλğőŋ ]·._.·´¯)

步驚云 said...

Accuatly, I didn't read ur blog last night and don't what happen for u & this guy? (Just see ur Cbox, and said "Hi" nai)

Anyway, I don't fully understand the history in ur blog. What happen?

Anonymous said...

friend‧ship  /ˈfrɛndʃɪp/
1. the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person's friendship.
2. a friendly relation or intimacy.
3. friendly feeling or disposition.

frag·ile (frjl, -l)
1. Easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail.
2. Lacking physical or emotional strength; delicate.
3. Lacking substance; tenuous or flimsy: a fragile claim to fame.

re‧spect  /rɪˈspɛkt/
1. a particular, detail, or point (usually prec. by in): to differ in some respect.
2. relation or reference: inquiries with respect to a route.
3. esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.
4. deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.
5. the condition of being esteemed or honored: to be held in respect.
6. respects, a formal expression or gesture of greeting, esteem, or friendship: Give my respects to your parents.
7. favor or partiality.
8. Archaic. a consideration.
–verb (used with object)
9. to hold in esteem or honor: I cannot respect a cheat.
10. to show regard or consideration for: to respect someone's rights.
11. to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with: to respect a person's privacy.
12. to relate or have reference to.

mis·com·mu·ni·ca·tion (msk-myn-kshn)
1. Lack of clear or adequate communication.
2. An unclear or inadequate communication.

for‧give‧ness  /fərˈgɪvnɪs/
1. act of forgiving; state of being forgiven.
2. disposition or willingness to forgive.