Before I got the chance to fling the paper away I saw this children book title ‘Louie Loves His Little Sister’.
What the heck! Children books section got this kinda book selling. I know it is innocent enough but I am bored okay. I wanna blog about this ok! So Louie loves his little sister. Sound like some kinky incest story book for kids. What’s this? Not illegal in Malaysia meh?
Imagine if 2 parents chatting about book to buy for their kids for reading :
Parent #1 : We just bought a book title ‘Louie Loves His Little Sister’ for our son to read with his little sister. We hope they will learn a lot from this book..
Parent #2 : **huh????**
Ok laa… not underage kinky incest sex book laa. It is really a kid’s book. But what is the story’s about? I dunno. I no buy that book.

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