I met my ex-colleague and friends yesterday night. They come all the way from Tokyo, Japan. Reach Penang on Thursday, they first went off to Pulau Payar for snorkeling.
They then went on to shops and eat around Penang. Meet them only yesterday night at e-Gate’s Starbucks. Miki-san and Sagami-san still look the same. Not much change even after 5 years?
Met them after 5 years long and they prepare presents for me! And me did not get anything for them! Arghh … Sorry ah. Next time ok? Hehehe…
Here’s what they gimme yesterday. Thank you very much! Will blog more about them when get more picture.

Thanks for posting our topic here.
It's not so familiar, isn't it?
I'm ashamed to give you an uncool small souvenir.hehehe.
I'll choose common one Next time.
I felt like one is in a dream when I was in Penang.and then...I'm back in the real world,Japan today.grrrr!
Anyhow,it's been really great talking to you :-)
U So luckY har got gifts from Japan! :)
Not lucky laa... I got lotsa friend maa... U also got lotsa friend what...
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