Well.. I am going thru the blogs links I have and found out a lot of friends had actually stop blogging~~!! When the Hype started 2 yrs back everyone was blogging at least once everyday. Some just blog to fill up the quota for the day (and that's at least one a day).
Now when going thru it just now, some had just stopped back 5-6 months and they have internet access everyday~~!! Well I know streamx is not that good but at least better than me. My only internet access was in the office up till now! And I still blog whenever I can.
Well maybe this is not their interest but why starts if you are not going to continue? My reason to starts this was of cos to vent my anger towards my unhappy thoughts about my work life. Now I blog because I like it, and to let my friends know what I am doing now.
Not all friend who read this will like it or agree with what I said but that's my opinion anyway. Boh Syok then let me know, or bring out and discuss. Dun Stab people from the back.. err, I am getting off topic now...
Anyway, Blog is a place where lonely people speaks out their mind (mostly la..) but myself, I complains a lot, and people will either say I am rebellious or have lots of crazy ideas. Well people think what they like... So just leave me say what I want.
Not many people can stand my sharp mouth, but when they do. They'll know why I do it.
Tauke (Union Cafe)
ps:- WC soon... hehe
elo there my dear.. sorry to hear bout ur frens not updating ya. i actually started blogging because U asked me to! hahhahhaa... actually find it's good as i get to update everyone at the same time here coz me being very lonely here!
Good lo... like this we at least know whether u had fool around or not.
wat do ya mean fool around bo eh? when la do i have e time to do so! i've been fooled around adalah! wakkakaka.. anyways.. i'm very bloody angry with my boss rite now! god damN!
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